2024 Samuel J. Grimes Leadership Conference
Hilton Garden Inn
Bristol, Virginia
March 1- 2, 2024
"Affecting the Healing in the Land"
We welcome you and we are excited about this year's conference. Up to date announcements (schedule changes and other announcements) will be made here. Return frequently for review.
****Please review the program for time revisions******(New)
****Please be sure to complete your surveys after each session(New)****
****Surveys will close at midnight Monday, April 4th ****
*QR codes for the program and surveys are provided in your registration packet and available at each table for your convenience.
*If you did not receive your information for this year’s conference, please stop by the registration table and update your information.
*Please visit the announcements section of the program for update information and any scheduling changes.
*Links to presenter’s presentation will be available when session starts.
*Under COVID-19 protocol, mask are optional. Our Wellness Staff is available and have provided mask and hand sanitizer for the delegates.
*Each presentation is being recorded. Recordings can be ordered for $10 per session. Parts 1 and 2 is considered one session. The entire conference package is $27.00. Please see our Communications staff - Min. Tim Moore. When ordering, please specify whether you desire a hard-copy DVD or a copy sent electronically via Google drive. You can pay our Treasurer, Elder Rod Preston or you can pay through our app GIVELIFY. WV&ET Council

West Virginia & East Tennessee Council
Episcopal District 23, PAW, Inc.
March 1, 2024
Grace and peace.
The first weekend in March is one of the first blocks that I place on my master calendar each year. In my estimation, the Samuel J. Grimes Leaders Empowerment Conference is the highlight of all annual District 23 sponsored events.
I’m happy to welcome you to the 2024 iteration of this outstanding conference. It’s our objective to provide a forum that will enhance the efforts of all who desire to become more effective in their leadership roles. Kudos to you for taking advantage of this opportunity.
True to my expectations, the planning team has prepared another outstanding program. Our coordinator, Suffragan Bishop Timothy Schofield, has enlisted a stellar line-up of capable presenters. Each session is designed to provide strategies and skills that you can use to prosper your ministry. Our director, Suffragan Bishop Kelvin Cash, has worked closely with the coordinator to work out the logistics so that the operations run smoothly.
Our prayer is that you will return to your ministry equipped and empowered to undergird and expand the kingdom of God. Again, welcome to “The Grimes”.
Samuel R. Moore, Diocesan
Episcopal District 23, PAW, Inc.

“Affecting the Healing in the Land”
Sponsored by the West Virginia & East Tennessee Council (PAW):
To equip pastors, ministers, and church leaders with basic, practical information, and
training necessary to operate effectively in ministry.
Dress is business casual
Friday, March 1st
7:00p Get Acquainted Reception and Dinner
7:45p – 9:00p Opening Presentation
“Effective Delegation of Authority”
Bishop Samuel R. Moore
Huntington, WV
At the close of the presentation please complete the survey by using the QR code in your registration packet or
use the following link: https://www.wvetncouncil.org//sjg-evaluation-form1
Saturday, March 2nd
8:00a Light Breakfast - Assorted Fruit, Danish, and Pastries
8:30a - 9:30a “Working with Diverse Personalities” (Part 1)
Dr. JoAnn Sanders
Cleveland, OH
At the close of the presentation, please complete the survey by using the QR code in your registration packet or
use the following link: https://www.wvetncouncil.org//sjg-evaluation-form1
9:30a - 9:50 BREAK
10:00a - 11:00a “Working with Diverse Personalities” (Part 2)
Dr. JoAnn Sanders
Cleveland, OH
At the close of the presentation, please complete the survey by using the QR code in your registration packet or
use the following link: https://www.wvetncouncil.org//sjg-evaluation-form1
11:00a - 12:00Noon BRUNCH
12:00N -1:00p “Training Young Minds for Leadership” (Part 1)
Dist. Elder Kameron Adams
Charlotte, NC
At the close of the presentation, please complete the survey by using the QR code in your registration packet or
use the following link: https://www.wvetncouncil.org//sjg-evaluation-form1
1:00p - 1:15p Break
1:15p - 2:15p “Training Young Minds for Leadership” (Part 2)
Dist. Elder Kameron Adams
Charlotte, NC
At the close of the presentation, please complete the survey by using the QR code in your registration packet or
use the following link: https://www.wvetncouncil.org//sjg-evaluation-form1
Bishop Samuel R.Moore
A native West Virginian, Pastor Moore is the third child of the late Clarence and Dora (Wilson) Moore. He was born and reared in the coal mining community of Gary, in McDowell County. After completing ninth grade in the McDowell County Public Schools System, he moved with his family to Bluefield, Virginia where he graduated from Graham High School.
Pastor Moore is married to the former Renna Leftwich and they are the proud parents of three children—Leland, Jakki, and Harrison—three grandchildren, and one foster son.
In 2001 he was one of only two teachers in the state of West Virginia selected to receive the prestigious National Classroom Teacher Award from the Milken Family Foundation. After thirty-three (33) years in education, Pastor Moore retired as an administrator with the Cabell County Public School System. He is also actively involved in the community, serving on numerous boards, commissions, and committees.
An ordained minister with the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc., he is currently the pastor at Full Gospel Assembly in Huntington where he has served since 1983. In 2010 he was elevated to the bishopric in the PAW and was subsequently assigned as diocesan of Episcopal District 23, the West Virginia & East Tennessee Council.
A retired public school administrator, he holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Education from Bluefield (WV) State College, and a Masters of Arts degree in Educational Administration from Marshall University.

Jo-Ann Sanders, Ph.D., LPCC-S
Dr. Jo-Ann is a fourth generation Apostolic Pentecostal whose mother was her first pastor. She credits this “store front” experience as establishing a foundation for true holiness.
Dr. Lipford Sanders is the retired Dean of the School of Behavioral Sciences and Education and Professor of Graduate Studies in Counseling at a public university in Ohio. She has held other academic positions as Program Director, program accreditation liaison, Faculty Representative to the Board of Directors, and grant writer. She received her bachelor’s and master’s degrees from Bowling Green State University in Liberal Studies/Psychology and Guidance/Counseling respectively, and her doctorate from Kent State University in Counselor Education and Human Development, with a concentration in Marriage and Family counseling. She also has experience in private clinical practice and maintains her professional clinical mental health counselor license with a supervisory endorsement, in the state of Ohio. While not currently practicing, her clinical experience is diverse. Since retirement, she continues to mentor and teach masters and doctoral level students at Walden University, as well as providing pro bono telehealth services for medical health professionals and first responders in the state of Ohio.
She has professional publications in the areas of multicultural counseling practices with children and African American adolescent girls, working with the African American family, African American women, women and stress, counseling advocacy and ethical practices of counseling. Influenced by her interest in female adolescent development, Dr. Lipford Sanders has designed and implemented various groups for children and adolescents (Honey in the Rock – life preparation for adolescent girls, C.H.I.P.S. – Children having incarcerated parents succeed, Kujichagulia – Support group for African American college women, to name a few). She has extensive presentations in her other research interest areas: African American families, familial socialization, multiculturalism, forgiveness, and counselor training. She co-edited a monograph, published by the American Counseling Association (ACA), entitled “Counseling African American Families” and is an often-sought-after motivational speaker in colleges, schools and churches.
She is an active member of the American Counseling Association (ACA) and its several auxiliaries (state and national), the American Multicultural Counseling Association (AMCD), the NAACP, National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (NAMI), and Chi Sigma Iota. She has served as Chair of the ACA Ethics Committee and as an editorial board member of The Family Journal: Counseling and Therapy for Counseling and Therapy for Couples and the Journal of Counseling and Development. Dr. Lipford Sanders has served as the co-chair of the 2009 Standards Revision Committee (SRC) for the Council for Accreditation of Counseling and Related Educational Programs (CACREP), and for over 12 years as the Treasurer of the Ohio Association of Counselor Education and Supervision (OACES).
Dr. Lipford Sanders infuses her love for knowledge about human development and wellness with her love for teaching. She has had the opportunity to teach at Heidelberg University in Sapporo, Japan and at Tianjin Normal University in Tianjin, China several times over the course of her academic career. She has also traveled extensively abroad both professionally and personally.
Dr. Lipford Sanders received the 2018 Educator Award from the Seneca Chamber of Commerce; 2018 Mentor award from the Ohio Counselor Education and Supervision; 2018 Mentor Award from Chi Sigma Iota; 2015 Firelands College Outstanding Alumni award; 2013 Woman of Inspiration award; 2011 Heidelberg University’s Ream Paradiso Distinguished Teacher award; 2009 Ohio Counseling Association Distinguished Service award; 2009 Herman J. Peters Award from the Ohio Counseling Association; 2008 BGSU Accomplished Alumni Award from Bowling Green State University; and the Mary Smith Arnold Anti-Oppression Award, Counselors for Social Justice (CSJ) from the American Counseling Association. She has served as board chair for two county mental health services. She received a $2,000 grant to study female socialization practices in West Africa; and $2 million dollars worth of grants to assist graduate clinical mental health and school counseling students provide mental health services in rural and underrepresented areas, as well as to develop a center for violence against women on a university campus.
She is baptized in Jesus Name and received the gift of the Holy Ghost. Dr. Jo-Ann has served in the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World in the young people’s department, minister’s wives auxiliary and the Transformational Leadership Institute. Over the years she has been a member in the Ohio District Council. She is a mentor and much sought-after inspirational speaker whose calling is to help women see and experience their potential. For 44 years, she served as the chair of women’s ministry at Emmanuel Temple Church of the Apostolic Faith hosting an annual Women’s Holy Convocation entitled “Gather2Grow;” taught in the Sunday School program; and hosted a weekly online Biblical Conversations class. She is the widow of Bishop Rufus G. W. Sanders, Ph.D. and resides in Pepper Pike, OH.
District Elder Kameron Adams

Much of who Kameron is can be attributed to his unconditional love for God and God’s people. A prolific preacher and teacher, Kameron has served as a minister of the gospel for over twenty years, traveling throughout the country. Kameron Adams loves the art of communication, and is a connector of people to purpose.
Pastor Kameron attributes his spiritual growth and development first to his God-fearing parents, Ministers Kelvin and Annette Adams; his spiritual father, the late Bishop Edward C. Roberts and Pastor Emerita Betty J. Roberts; his former pastor, Bishop A. Glenn Brady; and an entrusted host of wise Bishops and pastors throughout North America.
Pastor Kameron lives by the statement often quoted by his former pastor, the Late Honorable Bishop Dr. Edward C. Roberts: “Christ and education make the best combination.” Kameron received a Bachelor of Arts in Communication from Grand Canyon University with high honors, and is currently pursuing his Master of Arts in Christian Ministry at Grand Canyon University. In July 2022, Pastor Kameron was elevated to the office of District Elder in the Pentecostal Assemblies of the World, Inc., serving the North Carolina District Council.
In February 2019, Kameron joined in Holy Matrimony with Jordan Adams, of New Haven, CT. Their union has been blessed with great friendship, deep love, and a growing family. In October 2023, Kameron and Jordan were blessed with their first child, and miracle baby; Kamryn Lillie. In 2020, the Lord directed Pastor Kameron and Lady Jordan Adams to return to Charlotte and in February 2021, the Lord saw fit to entrust the continuation of His Church into the hands of Pastor Kameron and Lady Jordan Adams.
They are honored to be lead servants at Calvary Christian Church of the Apostolic Faith, Inc. Pastor Kameron is a son of the ministry, having been born and raised at Calvary Christian Church. Under their leadership, Calvary has grown exponentially, and they are excited to continue to lead the ministry forward into God’s predestined future.
Netronam Communications, Scott Edwards, CEO
Bishop Samuel R. and Lady Renna Moore
District Elder Timothy A. and Elder Lolita Schofield
Suffragan Bishop Kelvin M. and Evangelist Gail S. Cash
Full Gospel Assembly, Huntington, WV
Grace Temple Church Eternal Life Center, Johnson City, TN
Bethel Apostolic Temple, Knoxville, TN
Greater Mt. Zion Pentecostal Church, Bluefield, WV
United Apostolic Faith Church, Beckley WV
Thank you to our great sponsors for their support of this annual conference!
The Samuel J. Grimes Leadership Conference would like to thank the Hilton Garden Inn for the service and accommodations and our anointed presenters for their teaching. Thank you to all of the delegates for attending.
Special thanks to Elder Anna Collie, Sister Cathy Martin, Sister Emisha Johnson and Deacon Charles Locke for their assistance.
West Virginia & East Tennessee Council
District 23
Samuel J. Grimes Leadership Conference
Bishop Samuel R. Moore, Diocesan
Suffragan Bishop Kelvin Cash, Chairman
District Elder Timothy A. Schofield, Coordinator
District Elder Arthur A. Brown
Sister Dedra Preston, Registration
Sister Annie Surratt, Registration
Elder Roderick Preston, Treasurer
Minister Tim Moore, Communications